Friday, July 31, 2009

Callanetics - Hour 8

Hour 8 of Evolution completed. I had to stop when I reached the stomach exercises - I simply couldn't keep my eyes open any longer.

Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Callanetics - Hour 7

7 hours of Evolution done!

My flexibility is really starting to improve. I'm also notice my face, neck and shoulders are a lot slimmer. My shoulder pronation is almost gone. My stomach is pulling in a little more and my thighs are starting to slim down.

breakfast: yogurt, blackberries, raspberries, strawberries
lunch: broccoli soup with walnuts and goat cheese, brie and black pepper panini
snack: almonds
dinner: molten chocolate cake, milk (nice and healthy :) )

Monday, July 27, 2009

Callanetics - Hour 6

Today, I put on a pair of pants that were tight on me last week. Today, they're loose. I wasn't expecting that!

The saddlebag on one of my legs is completely gone. My waist is getting smaller. My abs in general are flatter. My obliques are starting to show - you know that line you can get down along the side of them? - it's there. My triceps are tightening up. My back is stronger and feels so much better. My shoulder pronation is disappering.

And I haven't changed what I eat. Yesterday, I had raspberry creme brulee!

When I first did Callanetics Evolution, I didn't like it all. I still have some issues with it - no counter so you don't know how fast you need to do the pulses, the moves don't flow together as easily as they do in 10/10, and such. But now, I love it! I'm seeing faster results with it than I ever saw with 10/10. It is more challenging and should only be done by someone after they've done 10/10 for a while because the instructions are better on 10/10. But the results I'm getting are truly amazing.

You always here about how you can't spot reduce. Or you have to lose 10 pounds to lose a clothing size. Or you have to work out for a minimum of 1 hour 5-6 days a week and do a ton of cardio. Or you can only eat 1500 calories a day, or so many carbs, or low fat, or whatever.

It's all so wrong!

I've spot reduced with Callanetics. I'm easily fitting into pants I couldn't fit in before and I haven't lost a pound. I'm not doing Cardio - gosh, I'm just starting to be able to walk again - no bouncing around or running for me! I haven't counted a single calorie, fat gram, or carb. If I see it and want it, I eat it.

Okay, I'm happy. I'm sure you can tell.

Callanetics 10/10 has so many dramatic photos on it of how people have transformed their bodies in 19 hours. I can't wait to see what 19 hours brings to me!

Saturday, July 25, 2009

Still working

I keep forgetting to post.

I did Evolution 4 days in a row and took yesterday off. My posture is really improving nicely. I can tell the left side of my body is tightening up faster than my right side - it must be stronger.

My foot doesn't feel as good today. I think it's because I didn't do Callanetics yesterday. I really think it's been helping it.

Off to do Evolution now.

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Callanetics amazes me!

I actually think Callanetics is healing my foot. Call me crazy, but I really think it is.

I was really hesitant to do Callanetics yesterday, but I'm so tired of not being able to do anything that I did it regardless of what it might do to my foot. I can't believe I just said that. Me? Who has always hated to work out all my life? I actually wanted to work out.

Well, I avoided any exercises yesterday that involved standing/sitting on my toes. But I did everything else. At the end, my foot felt more, well, relaxed. I can't think of any other way to describe it. I haven't had an ace bandage on it since. For the first time, there's been no pain or irritation.

I just did CardioCallanetics again today. My foot feels like it's at about 90%. Yesterday, before working out I would have said it was only 60%. There's no pain. It's more flexible. I can almost walk on it. The bruise from where I hurt it has refused to go away, but now it's smaller.

Does this mean that if I had just did Callanetics over a month ago I wouldn't have needed a cast? Okay, maybe not. I couldn't even begin to put weight on my foot then. But there's no way my foot should be this good so fast. I'm supposed to need another 8 weeks for it to heal all the way. I'm dumbfounded.

If that isn't enough, I just found out what I love the most about Callanetics. I get visible results right after doing a workout. I love looking at my stomach in the mirror and being able to tell it's smaller.

I didn't measure before I started yesterday because I wasn't even sure I'd be able to get through the warm-up. Now, I really wish I had. Between my posture being tremendously better and the tightening that's now occurred, both in maybe 24 hours, I can really tell a difference. It looks like I've lost inches. I don't know if it is that many. But I'm happy. :)

Now, I'm tempted to do Callanetics every day for the next 8 weeks for an event I have coming up to see how much smaller I can get it. I'm tempted to do it every day just because my foot feels so good.

Happy Happy Happy

Breakfast: whole milk plain yogurt, raspberries, blackberries, strawberries

Lunch: provolone-avocado-tomato-artichoke heart panini, cucumber, canteloupe

Dinner: lentil and barley soup

Workout: CardioCallanetics

I'm back

I sprained my foot really badly (it's amazing what can happen when you drop a book on your foot) and have had to take time off from pretty much all physical activity. My foot isn't completely healed, but I can now put some weight on it. I have gained a few inches over the weeks. I'm starting back with Callanetics. I still can't do a lot of the exercises, especially anything that bends the toes. Callanetics Evolution has more exercises that I can do, so I'm starting back with it. I did it for the first time in ages yesterday. My back, arms, hips, and butt are soooo sore today! I'm so glad it's already working.