Monday, May 19, 2008

Blogging Works

I've tried writing a food diary in the past, but I was never consistent with it. For some reason, blogging is working for me. It's also really revealing to me where I need to clean up my eating. I've cut sweets back a lot more, but I think I'm still eating grains too often and need more vegetables. That's my next step. Getting in more exercise is another goal. Callanetics is definitely changing the shape of my body and I do seem to be working my muscles more deeply each time I do it, but I feel like I need to do more than I am. Maybe it's a desire to reach my goal like, tomorrow, or something - just as fast as possible.

breakfast: strawberries, banana

lunch: rice ball, miso tofu, sauerkrauet

snack: granola

dinner: boiled potatoes w/butter, sauteed swiss chard, sauerkraut

Workout: Callanetics 10/10

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