Thursday, April 24, 2008

Day 4

Breakfast: strawberry-banana smoothie (strawberries, banana, qephor, raw milk)

Lunch: avocado bruschetta, ricotta tart without crust

Dinner: chickpea and tomato curry soup, roasted potatoes

Workout: Callanetics 10n10

I'm really amazed at how quickly Callanetics works. I did T-Tapp for a couple of years, even worked with a trainer, but the only improvements I noticed were better posture and my back felt great. The workouts were so physically and mentally draining. It truly isn't easy. I kept at it because of all of it's promises about health benefits. Obviously after a couple of years of doing it without results, it wasn't the promise of losing a size in two weeks.

It seems like with Callanetics I'm getting everything I had hoped T-Tapp would deliver: my posture is improving even faster, my waist is smaller, my arms are becoming more defined, I feel great... I think the best thing is that it's so relaxing and easier than T-Tapp. Rather than watching the clock, dreading how much time was left, dreading certain moves, dreading even working out, the time flies by. I'm done before I know it and the workout is the same amount of time. I wish I had tried it sooner.

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