Monday, October 6, 2008

Food Rant

breakfast: protein drink

snack: 3/4 peanut butter cookie Larabar

lunch: poorathi chana, rice, mixed vegetables

dinner: brown rice tortilla pizza

workout: nothing - I think my body needs a day of nothing after everything

I think I'm almost back to normal from the wheat episode. My heart sometimes feels a little sore, but I suspect that what I now feel could just be related to it's insanely erratic behavior the past couple of days. I'd be tired and a little bruised if I spent days doing what it did.

I still can't believe a couple of bites of wheat did that to me. I've cut it out of my diet before and my worst reaction was gaining a clothing size in less than an hour. But now the effects from having it after cutting out gluten? It goes to show how even just having a little bit of something in your body can help cover the adverse effects of it. No wonder so mnay people eat foods and never realize that it bothers them. Wheat - one of the top allergens - is usually consumed by people every day. I wonder how many aches and pains and other "illnesses" would simply disappear if people knew what they were allergic/intolerant to and stopped consuming. How would it affect the medical industry? Would most of the pharmaceutical drugs in people cabinets suddenly become obsolete? I can definitely imagine sales of anti-depressants plummeting given how often depression is caused by food. It would just be interesting to know...

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