Friday, September 5, 2008

September 5

breakfast: apple with almond butter

lunch: taro rolls, lemonade, rice cake with peanut butter, raw milk

dinner: steamed vegetables

Lunch was weird a weird combination today. Whenever I've ate for the past week, I've only wanted a couple of bites of something. I expected the same thing to happen today at lunch. Instead, it turned out I was hungry. I finished the taro rolls for lemonade and kept reaching for more. I really didn't expect to eat more than 1-2 bites of the rice cake, but I ate the whole thing and was still hungry. As strange and unbalance as the meal was, it's the first time since last Tuesday that I've ate a normal amount of food for a meal. Of course, dinner was only a couple of bites again. I was expecting to eat more after what happened with lunch, but no. This is the first day since last Tuesday that I haven't had a fever for most of the day. Between that and actually eating lunch today, I think this flue is almost gone. I'm so glad because it's hard for me to remember one ever being this bad.

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