Monday, September 15, 2008

Gluten-Free Pizza Attempt

breakfast: half gluten-free bagel, cream cheese

lunch: green beans, sauerkraut, egg in marinara sauce

dinner: zucchini, carrots, brown rice tortilla pizza

I made way too much marinara sauce on Sunday and have been trying to devise uses for it. It tastes great, so I don't mind at all. Today, I decided to try turning a brown rice tortilla into a pizza crust by topping it with sauce, oregano and cheese. It actually worked. The sauce was great on it. The tortilla was crispy around the edges where there wasn't any sauce and soggy everywhere else even though I used a pizza stone. While soggy isn't ideal, it was far tastier and lighter in calories than Amy's gluten-free pizzas, which I find downright horrible.

I was extremely tired today so I decided to put off working out. I know it's not the smartest thing to do, but all I've wanted to do today is go back to bed. All I can think is it's residuals from the flu because I didn't sleep much while sick, but have been wiped the past couple of days.

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