Sunday, June 1, 2008

The Hazards of Being a Morning Person

breakfast: banana bread, raw milk

lunch: spinach dosa, a savory lentil rice ball that I don't remember how to spell the name of (khuzi-something)

snack: piece of dark chocolate

dinner: cherries

I had to pick my mother up at the airport last night. Well, it was supposed to be last night, but then her flight was delayed, and delayed, and then delayed some more. I ended up not getting home until the wee hours of the morning.

So, what's that got to do with being a morning person?

A lot!

You see, I have this weird habit of not being able to sleep past 6 am. I usually wake up around 5 am, no alarm needed. You should see me in the fall when clocks are set back. It takes me forever to adjust. All of a sudden I start waking up at 4 am...unable to go back to sleep. But that's another story.

So, this morning, can I sleep in? I mean, I normally go to sleep by 10 (that's another hazard...will just randomally fall asleep if I'm watching tv). If I didn't go to sleep until 5 hours after normal, I should be able to sleep in a little bit, catch up on some sleep, right? Nope. Wide awake. Before 5:30 am. It's not fair.

I have to go through the day operating like a zombie, barely able to stay awake past 7 pm. Why? Because my body is insane! It's crazy I tell ya, crazy.

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