Thursday, May 15, 2008

The Wheat Rant

breakfast: granola

lunch: 2 soy taquitos, hummus

dinner: atter kik, vegetable wat, pita bread, piece of chocolate covered honey spice cake

workout: none

I'm loving the granola thing. It keeps me full for 4-6 hours. It's amazing.

I made pita bread and ethiopian food today. Not exactly the most normal combination. One day I'll have to try making injera. I made the pita bread because I wanted some to go with hummus, but it wasn't done in time for the hummus. I have yet to find wheat-free pita bread, or really decent wheat-free bread in general. I can't stand rye bread and any spelt bread I've found in the store has the longest list of ingredients. Whatever happened to flour, yeast, salt, water? Maybe sometimes oil, sweetener, or nuts? I just don't feel right when I eat wheat. My stomach gets all bloated, I feel nauseous, I get cracks in the corners of my mouth, nasal congestion, and just so tired. Probably too much information, right? But it just sucks. I love bread and so many times if you ever want to eat out it's hard to avoid wheat, especially if you're a vegetarian. I'm glad I know how to bake bread, etc., well.

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