Monday, February 2, 2009

February 2

breakfast: apple, manchego

lunch: really bad Indian

dinner: tempeh and vegetables in a lemon-coconut sauce, chocolate bread and rice cake

workout: Callanetics 10/10


Anonymous said...

hi,congrats! I admire you very much for your determination. I also do callanetics. Your bootcamp is sooo inspiring. if you could post before and after photos, It would inspire lots of women.

Suzan said...

Thanks! I'm glad you found the bootcamp inspiring. It's tough, but so worth it.

I didn't take any photos. I actually don't even own a camera. Years ago I realized that 1) I never developed the photos and 2) I never looked at the few that I did have.

All I can really tell you is that if you look in the mirror, you'll be able to see the results. From my first workout, I could see results immediately in the mirror, especially in my waist - my obliques just really pulled in. I now have more of an hourglass figure than I thought possible.