Tuesday, August 26, 2008

August 26

breakfast: cornflakes

lunch: cranberry beans, tomato, swiss chard, zucchini, potato

dinner: 2 grape leaves, marinated artichoke hearts, mozzeralla balls in pesto

I don't really have anything new to report. The only thing I can think of is that I went to a new farmer's market and found someone who has the best flavored produce - all organic. Everything appears to be picked when ripe rather than picked days or weeks to early. There's such a big flavor difference between produce picked when ripe and that picked green. I think most farmer's either don't know the difference or they intentionally pick it too early to promote longer shelflife. Overall, it's the consumer that suffers. You buy produce that looks like it's ripe, might need a couple of days (or in the case of pears - weeks) to ripen, and then when you go to eat it, there's nothing remarkable. Sometimes, there isn't even any flavor. But when produce is grown in the right kind of soil, the best quality seeds are used, and then when it's picked at the peak of flavor, it's unbelievable - it's hard to go back and eat anything else because it's so unsatisfactory. Your taste buds are so sentillated that you need much less food to satisfy you. It's heaven.

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