Monday, July 28, 2008

Weird Reaction

breakfast: protein shake

lunch: salad

dinner: hummus, salad, banana

I don't know what happened at dinner, but my mouth swelled up and I had a lot of trouble breathing. I've never had a reaction to food like that before, especially such benign food. None of it's stuff people are generally allergic to. I eat it all the time. The person I ate dinner with didn't have a reaction and they ate the exact same thing. It was pretty scary, but at least it passed.

I'm really tired of my weight not changing. It's strange. My clothes are fitting better, but no weight change. I know I could be putting on muscle and that ultimately it's more important how you look and feel, but I guess I just want more. I know it's just a number, but it would be nice to see it go down.

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