Wednesday, July 2, 2008

Day 12 - No Sweets

breakfast: oatmeal with apricots

snack: focaccia with tomato, avocado, raw cheddar, and balsamic vinegar

lunch: chickpea patty, raw cracker with peanut butter, sauerkraut

dinner: tomato and cucumber salad, tofu, potato, melon

workout: Callanetics 10/10

Today was a hungry day. I probably could have ate more after lunch, but I got tired of eating. I'm not sure why I was so hungry today. I don't think my activity level has increased or anything. If I wasn't avoiding sweets, I normally would have reached for cookies or something similar to quite down the hunger. Those wouldn't have satisfied me nearly as well, so I'm glad I've cut out sweets. I feel so much better and it's easier to make healthier food choices.

I just started measuring on Monday. I decided to remeasure today because I thought I was more toned. I've already lost 1/4" off both my waist and my hips. I think that's pretty good for 3 days. The combination of Callanetics and Ballet Conditioning seems to be working very well.

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